Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Huda Sharawi هدى الشعراوي

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." -Benjamin Franklin 

I'm writing to free myself and free women from this prison. My writing is dedicated to all women over the world. I believe that history repeats itself, and for that reason, I am indebted to my namesake, Huda Al-Sharawy, an Egyptian feminist, and the first woman in the Middle East who called for female emancipation.
I see myself as a foreigner in my community. This is because my thoughts do not match their thoughts, and their thoughts do not match mine. My community doesn't consider me to be a real woman because they are unwilling to accept a woman who objects or defends her gender. To them, I am not a woman because I am strong and stand against them. They believe that strength is for men and weakness for women.

The only way to express my feelings and share my thoughts is through writing. In the writing of my experiences and thoughts, I found myself writing this book, Women between submission and freedom. I consider myself a messenger for woman, carrying their message, whether from the East or West, to define the true meaning of being a woman. This definition is a culmination of stories and experiences from different perceptions and angles of life, and I hope that they can make all women proud of their womanhood.

 "Start huge, foolish project like Noah.
 It makes absolutely no difference, what people think of you.''

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